Farm-a-Biz - farming made easy

Farm with a view... Ahoy Ye Cows!!!
There are so many things you can do on a farm and growing stuff is just one of them... :) Here I have tried to make farming an easier option. Though I love horticulture myself I will try to include ways of earning off the farm whatever it may be ... suggestions welcome.

Inspiring story of a guy called Nguyen Van VuiVui of Vietnam. Need more guys like him out here in India.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

BPC Comments on Chicken Welfare TV Programme

UK - The British Poultry Council (BPC) has responded to the TV programme, due to be shown tonight, under the title Chickens, Hugh and Tesco Too.

The British Poultry Council has commented as follows on on the content of Chickens, Hugh and Tesco too ahead of its transmission on Channel 4 on Monday 26 January:

We and our members have worked with Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall and his TV company during the last two years and it has been interesting to see his level of familiarity and understanding develop to the extent that he has moved away from advocating only organic and free-range farming to supporting Freedom Food indoor chicken production.

In the year preceding this 'round up' programme, we have seen spikes in demand for free-range and growth in the differentiation of indoor systems. As predicted, these changes came back into the gradually increasing trend we were seeing before the 'Chicken Out' campaign. We would expect to see this trend continue into 2009 in some of these categories.

to read more click headline...

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