Farm-a-Biz - farming made easy

Farm with a view... Ahoy Ye Cows!!!
There are so many things you can do on a farm and growing stuff is just one of them... :) Here I have tried to make farming an easier option. Though I love horticulture myself I will try to include ways of earning off the farm whatever it may be ... suggestions welcome.

Inspiring story of a guy called Nguyen Van VuiVui of Vietnam. Need more guys like him out here in India.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet old friends

Well, went to see this guy. Friend of dad. Shifted from the area long ago but comes visiting once in a while and has regular phone contact. Nice guy. Earned a lot of money through hard work I am told. It may be true his brothers are still not well to do and I do remember somethings about my childhood when he used to live nearby. Anyway, the purpose of meeting him was to learn a few things about farming, since he has agricultural land in the village. Or native place as people around here refer to it.

Well he went on and on about how he acquired the land and has taken care of it. Nothing much. However, one thing that he kept repeating was that water or the supply of it was very important. The government in a bid to encourage agriculture was doing its bit in educating farmers about what to plant and how to plant it. But has not done much about the lack of water in many villages throughout India. Although was happy to learn many private biggies were now taking interest in the farmers produce which also meant giving the poor farmers a fighting chance to earn a better livelihood.

Also with this blog I am making a fundamental change. Now instead of copy pasting news articles I will be writing about it in my own words and the same time thinking aloud what I understood. Will be a good exercise for me. Hope it helps you too.

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